Saturday, April 25, 2015

First Grade Home to School Connections
                Week of April 27th                                            --Enchanted Engineering STEM Night at LaPerche was a great success!  We hope you and your child had a great time.

*****Special THANKS to our  Guest   Mystery Readers who came to read to our class during Reading Week.  ***** 
***SAVE THE DATE:  We are planning a YOUNG AUTHORS’ MOTHER’S DAY VICTORIAN TEA   on Friday, May 8th at 9:30.  Please RSVP.***
Essential Question:  What is Opinion Writing?
An opinion is the way you think or feel about   something. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic they are writing about (hook the reader), state an opinion, supply two reasons for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.
Please bring in your COLLECTION in your zip lock bag.  We will be judging our Collections and choosing BEST IN SHOW. Students will be writing opinions about their collections and explaining their judgments about their choices in convincing ways. Opinion writers write with lots of reasons, not  just one and they support those reasons with detailed specific observations, not just with generalities.  
 Unit  11  Syllable Pattern.. Vowel-Consonant-e
Essential Question:  What are vowel-consonant-e words?
1.   Has the vowel-consonant-e combination
2.   The e is silent
3.   The first vowel has a long sound

Rule: Magic e is silent.  It kicks the vowel and makes it shouts its name (long vowel).
***** Please let me know if you need a copy sent home.  Trick Words…friend-nothing-another-­other.  Word cards are available on Fundations site with unit pack. Create FLASH CARDS at home. Continue practicing spelling and writing these words. They appear with high frequency in your children’s readings and are used when they are writing.  Knowing them with automaticity assists fluency in both reading and writing.
 Math Connects .. Our unit is Using Fractional Parts
Vocabulary:  equal  parts, fraction, part, whole, one half, one third, and one foubrth
Check out the Math Connects website for games to play at home ……

Practice Math Facts on access code for each student was sent

Ten Marks Homework on Line
         Life Cycles
Essential Question:  What is a life cycle?
VEGETABLES…..We continue to work on our plant unit. The students each planted a vegetable.  Every week we will be observing its growth. We will measure its growth and observe the changes and write about them in our   observation journals.

 BUTTERFLIES…..To continue with our life cycle unit the students also will be observing how caterpillars go through metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.This also takes approximately 21 days.  Students will observe the cycle of Painted Butterflies. 

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