Thursday, October 2, 2014

First Grade
Home to School Connection
             Week September 29th
We will be beginning with Unit 3 learning diagraphs wh,ch,sh,th,ck. These consonants “stick together” to form one sound. We will be beginning with this unit because we have spent the first weeks of school learning and using consonants. 
Word Wall Words or Fundations Trick Words   as-has-to-into Spelling Pattern this Week “at” Make flash cards with the words sent home.  Practice these words. High Frequency words appear repeatedly in children’s stories.  Children need to know these on sight. They are words that most often cannot be sounded out.
PLEASE RETURN September Reading Log.  Along with the new reading log, to be sent out OCTOBER 1st, I will sent home some fun ways and places to read.  Return that form and you will receive a PRIZE!
Math Connects: We continue to practice addition.  A good strategy 8+3=11 is to keep the larger number in your head (8) and count UP (3) to get the sum of 11.  Use a number line or ruler.  Put your finger on 8 count up three more and end on 11. Use pennies for counters if you need.
We are working on writing number words ( 1…one, 5…five) to twenty.  Our focus is also on what comes before, after or in between a number.( ___1,2, 6__8, 11,12___)
Vocabulary:  before, between, after and number line.
Ask your child about using our ENO Board for daily math. We are having a BLAST!!!!!
TEN MARKS Homework is up on line every Tuesday night.  Please let me know if you need a paper copy sent home.
REMINDERS:  We are making applesauce on Wednesday.  Please let me know if your child cannot have any.
W-A-N-T-E-D Tulip or daffodil bulbs for planting.
Please return spelling homework on Friday.

R.C. LaPerche Elementary School, Smithfield R.I.

R.C. LaPerche Elementary School, Smithfield R.I.

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