Sunday, November 9, 2014

                       Weekly News From School
First Grade Home to School Connection
Week of November 10th
Celebrating 50th Day of School SOCK HOP on Monday, November 10th
Dinner is served at 5:45
Children should dress like kids did in the 1950’s
Poodle skirts, scarves, saddle shoes, jeans, white t-shirts, ponytails, leather jackets, etc.
A Family Photo taken that Night as a Keepsake.

 CONFERENCES …If you CAN NOT make the scheduled Conference Time, Please email me to reschedule. .  I will have a display set up that evening.  If your conference is not scheduled for Monday, you are welcome to stop by to see our work. Please feel free to email me anytime with questions about your child or the curriculum. We continue to work in partnership on behalf of your child. 

******Math Connects …We continue to work on subtraction and strategies.  We are also working on adding three addends and the strategies we use to solve problems. Now we are working on balanced equations, 4+6=5+5.We understand the importance of the equal sign.                                                           
Fundations: Unit 6 Base words and suffixes 

Essential Question:  What is a baseword and a suffix?  The newest concept that I am teaching is one that they will use frequently, adding a suffix (which is an ending) to a baseword For now the only suffix that I am using is ‘s’.
        cat-add the suffix ‘s’= cats
 Check out the Unit 6 Fundations pages for activities to reinforce base words and suffix ‘s’ you can do at home.
Trick words: were  are  who  what

Writing….. We are ending the Trimester with Writing Small Moment Narratives Please take a Look at the Rubric below. This rubric is used to score Student’s Narrative Writings.
       Personal Narrative Writing Grade 1-4
My story is about a real event.           My writing… • includes   many details.    • stays on topic. • includes actions, thoughts, and feelings.
My story is about a real event.          My writing… includes some details.          • is on topic.   • mostly ncludes actions,thoughts, and feelings.
My story is about a real event.          My writing…     • includes few details.          • is mostly on topic.            • somewhat includes  actions,thoughts, and  feelings.
My story is not about a real event.          My writing…    • has no details.         • is not on topic.           • does not include actions, thoughts, and feelings.

Word Choice
My writing…   • includes many vivid words correctly.
My writing…     • includes some vivid words correctly.
My writing…      • includes few vivid words correctly.
My writing…   • does not include vivid words.

My writing… • includes a clear beginning, middle, and ending.       • is in   order         .• includes transition words so my writing flows.
My writing…      • includes a beginning, middle, and ending.           • is in order.    • includes some transition words.
My writing…     • is missing a beginning, middle, or ending.           • is somewhat on topic.            • is somewhat out of order.    • includes at least one transition word
My writing… • is missing a beginning, middle, and /or ending.  • is not on topic.         • is out of order.         • uses no transition words.

My writing is free of grade level errors in…            • spelling   .            •captalization. •punctuation .• grammar.
My writing has few grade level errors in… • spelling.          • capitalization. • punctuation.  • grammar.
My writing has several grade level errors in… • spelling.      • capitalization   .• punctuation. • grammar.
My writing has many grade level errors in…   • spelling.   •capitalization• punctuation.   • grammar.

   4  All of my writing is neat

   3  Most of my writing is neat.

   2 Some of my writing is neat.

  1     My writing is not neat.

READING….You may be hearing children talking about Animals that help us during reading and maybe even writing. These characters and their jobs were created by Deanna Jump.  Look below and see who they are.  We are currently focusing on Stretchy Snake and Eagle Eye, but each week we are beginning to use all of our animal strategies.
REMINDERS: HOLIDAY BAZAAR at RC LaPerche on Saturday, November 15th 8:00 to 3:00.  See you there!!!!
Feinstein Good Deed
W-A-N-T-E-D canned good donations. 
W-A-N-T-E-D….Blank Holiday Cards to send cards from our class to the troops in Afghanistan and Vets.  If we have a student in our class that has relatives overseas ,let me know  so we can send them to their divisions.


Monday, October 27, 2014

 First Grade
Home to School Connection
                    Week of October 27th
                           Social Studies                                  
Our Social Studies Unit is Community Helpers. Essential Question:  What is a community helper?  How do they help the community? The students are learning about rules in the community-who makes rules in the community as well as how and why they are reinforced. As part of our study of Community Helpers, the students will be taking a field trip.   *****Field Trip to the Greenville Library Date to be Announced Next Week Upon Approval****  The librarian is a helper in our community. The students will be able to sign up for a library card if they do not have one.  Info will go home this week. There is a cost of $2.50 per child to pay for the bus.
Math Connects ……Chapter 5…Addition Strategies
Essential Questions:
1.What strategies can I use to help me add vertical and horizontal addition problems?
2. Can you explain with pictures, words or equations?
3.  What is a turnaround fact and how does it help you learn math facts?
4.What is a fact family?
Vocabulary: addend-count on-doubles-fact family-number line____________________________________________                             Unit 5 Welded or Glued Sounds
Essential Question:  What is a welded or glued sound? A Fundations term for word families in which one or more of the sounds is altered a bit. (For example the /n/ and /m/ sounds often alter proceeding vowel sounds.)  We teach these word families because the sounds are not easily segmented. a-m-ham-/am/-a-n-fan-/an/. We say the am and an have a “stinky” a. Check out the Fundations pages for activities to reinforce welded sounds you can do at home.
Trick words: from  have  do  does
Fluency:  We are also working on SCOOPING phrases of short stories.  Our focus is on Characters, Setting and Main Ideas to assist with COMPREHENSION.
First grade is now responsible for the garden area under our window.  We will be caring for it throughout the school year. 
Wednesday morning,  Please have your child wear pants to plant and a sweatshirt.

 READING….We  continue to check for understanding when we read.
Students need to comprehend what they are reading.
*Retell Story     *Discuss the beginning-middle and end
*Make predictions….read and maybe change your prediction
*Make Connections (to other text-self-or to the world)
*Visualize (Make a picture in your head)
*Discuss story elements, title, setting, characters, and main idea.
BE A VIRACIOUS READER….Read to and with your child every night.
*I will also be including a comprehension passage as part of the children’s homework pack each week.*
Reminders:  Wear your HALLOWEEN Costume to school on Friday! NO Masks or Weapons of any kind please

If you want to send in any goodies on Halloween,please NO CANDY (stickers,rings,pencils,etc.) 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

First Grade 
Home to School Connection

Week of October 13th
Unit 4…Bonus Letters (f,l,s and want to be z). One of our new spelling rules is the BONUS LETTER RULE. To read the word puff one would only need to know the sounds in the letters puf. However in our language when a one syllable word ends in f,l, or s, a second f, l, or s is added when spelling the word. 
Trick Words…, said , one ,was
Spelling words are words using digraphs wh-sh-th-ch-ck
Word cards are available on Fundations site. *Please check out the Fundations  tab on the website and read the unit 4 info.  I do not expect the activities to be returned, but you should be practicing these activities throughout the week to help strengthen the bonus letter rule* with your child.

Math Connects  Develop Subtraction Concepts Essential Question:  What is a subtraction ?  What do you do when you subtract? Vocabulary: difference, number line, minus sign, take away, cross out, count down and subtract.
The students are practicing math facts. We subtract within 10.  Once again first graders will be fluent in subtraction within 10 by the end of the school year. Use flashcards at home. No Ten marks homework this week. 
 Writing   Writing Essential Question:  What is a personal narrative?
A personal narrative is a story about a life event. This is a small moment in our lives. Every Monday we write a personal narrative in the form of Weekend News. We choose an event that happened over our weekend  and write a lead sentence, one to two details and a feeling or closing sentence. Our small moment about our weekend has a beginning, middle and end. Then we draw pictures to match the narrative. This is a quick write on Mondays. We do not spend a great deal of time on revisions of this piece of writing. Discuss your weekends with your child. This will assist them in their writing of Weekend News.                                        
    REMINDERS      PLEASE do all parts of your spelling Homework each week and return it on Friday. Halloween Bingo….Outdoor Fall Fun...Please send an item to assist us with the first grade Bingo Raffle Basket.  THANKS! 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

First Grade
Home to School Connection
             Week September 29th
We will be beginning with Unit 3 learning diagraphs wh,ch,sh,th,ck. These consonants “stick together” to form one sound. We will be beginning with this unit because we have spent the first weeks of school learning and using consonants. 
Word Wall Words or Fundations Trick Words   as-has-to-into Spelling Pattern this Week “at” Make flash cards with the words sent home.  Practice these words. High Frequency words appear repeatedly in children’s stories.  Children need to know these on sight. They are words that most often cannot be sounded out.
PLEASE RETURN September Reading Log.  Along with the new reading log, to be sent out OCTOBER 1st, I will sent home some fun ways and places to read.  Return that form and you will receive a PRIZE!
Math Connects: We continue to practice addition.  A good strategy 8+3=11 is to keep the larger number in your head (8) and count UP (3) to get the sum of 11.  Use a number line or ruler.  Put your finger on 8 count up three more and end on 11. Use pennies for counters if you need.
We are working on writing number words ( 1…one, 5…five) to twenty.  Our focus is also on what comes before, after or in between a number.( ___1,2, 6__8, 11,12___)
Vocabulary:  before, between, after and number line.
Ask your child about using our ENO Board for daily math. We are having a BLAST!!!!!
TEN MARKS Homework is up on line every Tuesday night.  Please let me know if you need a paper copy sent home.
REMINDERS:  We are making applesauce on Wednesday.  Please let me know if your child cannot have any.
W-A-N-T-E-D Tulip or daffodil bulbs for planting.
Please return spelling homework on Friday.

R.C. LaPerche Elementary School, Smithfield R.I.

R.C. LaPerche Elementary School, Smithfield R.I.